Will 2021 Be A Good Year For Smartphones?
As we close the curtain of, arguably, the weirdest year in recent history – thanks to the covid-19 pandemic – one wonders what smartphones’ outlook will be in 2021. Will 2021 be a good year for smartphones? While there is no blatant right or wrong answer to this question, we can leverage insights from 2020 and projections from both smartphone manufacturers and the ever-increasing smartphone consumers to predict 2021 from the smartphone industry’s viewpoint.
Navigating the convoluted supply chain network proved to be a daunting task for global phone manufacturers in 2020. The topsy-turvy revenue figures posted by OEMs in 2020 hints that we might expect a similar pattern in 2021. While most phone manufacturers, especially in Europe, generated decent figures in the early parts of Q1 2020, the revenue figures of the second half of Q1 2020 and Q2 2020 coincided with the lockdown period across Europe and the …
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