Will 2021 Be A Good Year For Smartphones?

As we close the curtain of, arguably, the weirdest year in recent history – thanks to the covid-19 pandemic – one wonders what smartphones’ outlook will be in 2021. Will 2021 be a good year for smartphones? While there is no blatant right or wrong answer to this question, we can leverage insights from 2020 and projections from both smartphone manufacturers and the ever-increasing smartphone consumers to predict 2021 from the smartphone industry’s viewpoint.

Navigating the convoluted supply chain network proved to be a daunting task for global phone manufacturers in 2020. The topsy-turvy revenue figures posted by OEMs in 2020 hints that we might expect a similar pattern in 2021. While most phone manufacturers, especially in Europe, generated decent figures in the early parts of Q1 2020, the revenue figures of the second half of Q1 2020 and Q2 2020 coincided with the lockdown period across Europe and the … Read more

Smart Phones with Large Capacity Batteries

The battery becomes an important component in cell phones. The greater the capacity of the battery, the phone’s ability to stay on will be longer.

Hands on with 70 of our favorite cases for iPhone 11 Pro Max

Thus, user productivity can be increased because mobile phones are not often charged. Here are some phones that have the best battery life.

Samsung Galaxy S10 Plus

Samsung Galaxy S10 Plus has a capacity of 4,100 mAh battery. The device is included in the ranks of mobile phones with the best batteries, equipped with three cameras on the back, two in front, and all-screen design for a 6.4-inch screen.

Huawei P30 Pro

Huawei P30 Pro is slightly larger in terms of battery capacity than the Samsung Galaxy S10 Plus. Huawei P30 Pro has a capacity of 4,200 mAh battery with a 6.47 inch screen.

The Huawei P30 Pro has four back cameras, a high-end chipset and an on-screen fingerprint scanner.

iPhone 11 Pro Max

iPhone Read more

Your Personal Guide To Purchasing A Laptop

Image result for Your Personal Guide To Purchasing A Laptop

There are so many options since computers have advanced.Read these tips to find the best choice to suit your needs.

Know how much you’re going to spend on your new computer before you head out to buy a laptop

Are you looking for a Mac fan instead of a PC? Macs always have good graphic technology making them perfect for people that need to work in a graphics rich environment.

You may not be able to run these graphics with more power for certain video games. Decide whether you require a quad-core chip and a dual core processor.

You will most likely be charged the current retail price for these programs. You should buy software from an online discount vendor. You can save twenty or more by not purchasing the software.

Consider your likely uses for the computer you are expecting to do with a laptop

This will give you … Read more

Picture quality is not enough for Instagram success

In life, it’s very easy to think that certain things will work a certain way. We just have everything figured out. It seems that there are just basic rules that we just need to be clear on and as long as we follow them, everything will fall into place and we will get the outcome that we are looking for.

Well, it would be great if life actually played out that way. But as you probably already know, life is what happens when you’re making other plans. In fact, even if you have the best-laid plans and even if you have everything accounted for, things usually don’t play out the way you anticipate them.

This is due to the fact that there is often a big divide between theory and reality. This applies across the board. Whether we’re talking about academics, relationships, politics, or economics, there’s always a disconnect between … Read more

Hard Time Understanding Green Energy Technology? Try These Ideas!

Hasil gambar untuk Green Energy Technology

You may have heard of individuals that talk about using green technology, and you were just not sure how to implement it into your home. This is the best place to learn more about green energy’s benefits. Keep reading to learn more about green energy technology and putting it into your home.

Wear natural fabrics instead of using the air conditioner during summer months. Wear lighter colors tend to make you feel warm and you to rely on the air conditioner.

Wash clothes in cold water whenever possible.

Almost ninety percent of the consumed energy while washing machine comes from heating the water for a warm or hot cycle. If your detergent is of good quality, cold water will be as effective as hot when cleaning your laundry.

Many heating systems can be switched over to run on biodiesel use without needing modifications or parts.

Consider switching to solar-powered water … Read more