American Public Education (APEI) Misses On Q1 Earnings

American EducationOn a cold winter morning in a tiny pocket of Silicon Valley known as North Fair Oaks, Everest Public High School is buzzing with vitality. Out front, a tall, skinny teen jumps out of a black Porsche SUV; moments later, three young girls in matching black hoodies stream out of the front seat of a Toyota pickup that is filled with trowels, buckets, and a ladder.

For educators, the price range cuts being felt now in public schools serving the navy and Native Americans are only a taste of what schools across the country will expertise starting in September 2013, if subsequent January’s deficit-discount program is triggered. The first CEO, Paul Vallas, ushered in high-stakes testing: Thousands of scholars a 12 months had been held back a grade or denied entry into high school as a result of they could not pass standardized tests. I’m at all times all in … Read more